Now, I certainly don’t claim to know much about Macs, but I’m pretty sure that the II was the first Macintosh to be offered without an integrated monitor. Introduced in 1987, it had a 68020-16mhz processor, and from 1mb to 20mb of memory, The Mac II also came with either a 40mb or 80mb hard drive, and either one or two 800k floppy drives. It was bigger than anything Apple had ever offered, too. Measuring 5.5″H x 18.7″W x 14.4″D, it weighed in at 24 pounds! That’s almost as much as the Kaypro, but then again, the Mac II was never meant to be portable.

This particular Macintosh II has a 40mb SCSI hard drive, 8mb of memory, and dual 800K floppies. It is running OS 7.1.1 Pro (read: 7-dot-old). Although I am a PC kind of guy, I really like this machine. As soon as I get a keyboard, mouse, and a monitor adapter, I am going to play around with it.

Who knows? Maybe I’ll become a regular Macintosh user.

Or not.

Front View of Mac II

The IIfx was the biggest and the baddest of the Macintosh II line. Based on a 68030-40mhz processor, it blew anything and everything out of the water at the time of it’s introduction in 1990. These were primarily marketed to graphic designers, but it’s nearly $10,000 price tag (!!!!!) led to it’s demise in 1992. It was replaced by the Quadra series that began production in 1993.

This IIfx came to me recently via my graphic-designer sister. My brother-in-law purchased it used for her in the mid-90’s, ’cause artsy-types love Macs, right? Wrong! She tried to use it for a while, but found she preferred PC’s for designing.

It has 128MB of Ram, and an 80MB hard drive. That was nearly unheard of in 1990. No wonder it cost as much as it did.